1. consensusOV::GSE14764.eset
    Sample ExpressionSet from MetaGxOvarian
  2. CoreGx::clevelandSmall_cSet
    Cleaveland_mut RadioSet subsetted and cast as CoreSet
  3. CoreGx::exampleDataMapper
    Example LongTableDataMapper
  4. CoreGx::merckLongTable
    Merck Drug Combination Data LongTable
  5. CoreGx::nci_TRE_small
    NCI-ALMANAC Drug Combination Data TreatmentResponseExperiment Subset
  10. CREAM::COREs
  11. CREAM::COREs
  12. CREAM::COREs
  13. CREAM::COREs
  14. CREAM::COREs
  15. CREAM::COREs
  16. CREAM::COREs
  17. CREAM::COREs
  18. CREAM::COREs
  19. CREAM::COREs
  20. CREAM::COREs
  21. CREAM::COREs
  22. CREAM::COREs
  23. CREAM::COREs
  24. CREAM::COREs
  25. CREAM::COREs
  26. CREAM::COREs
  27. CREAM::COREs
  28. CREAM::COREs
  29. CREAM::COREs
  30. CREAM::COREs
  31. CREAM::COREs
  32. CREAM::COREs
  33. CREAM::COREs
  34. CREAM::COREs
  35. CREAM::COREs
  36. CREAM::COREs
  37. CREAM::COREs
  38. CREAM::COREs
  39. CREAM::COREs
  40. CREAM::COREs
  41. CREAM::COREs
  42. CREAM::COREs
  43. CREAM::COREs
  44. CREAM::COREs
  45. CREAM::COREs
  46. CREAM::COREs
  47. CREAM::COREs
  48. CREAM::COREs
  49. CREAM::COREs
  50. CREAM::COREs
  51. CREAM::COREs
  52. CREAM::COREs
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  54. CREAM::COREs
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  57. CREAM::COREs
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  59. CREAM::COREs
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  61. CREAM::COREs
  62. CREAM::COREs
  63. CREAM::COREs
  64. CREAM::COREs
  65. CREAM::COREs
  66. CREAM::COREs
  67. CREAM::COREs
  68. CREAM::COREs
  69. CREAM::COREs
  70. CREAM::COREs
  71. CREAM::COREs
  72. CREAM::COREs
  73. CREAM::COREs
  74. CREAM::COREs
  75. CREAM::COREs
  76. CREAM::COREs
  77. CREAM::COREs
  78. CREAM::COREs
  79. CREAM::COREs
  80. CREAM::COREs
  81. CREAM::COREs
  82. CREAM::COREs
  83. CREAM::COREs
  84. CREAM::COREs
  85. CREAM::COREs
  86. CREAM::COREs
  87. CREAM::COREs
  88. CREAM::COREs
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  90. CREAM::COREs
  91. CREAM::COREs
  92. CREAM::COREs
  93. CREAM::COREs
  94. CREAM::COREs
  95. CREAM::COREs
  96. CREAM::COREs
  97. CREAM::COREs
  98. CREAM::COREs
  99. CREAM::COREs
  100. CREAM::COREs
  101. CREAM::COREs
  102. CREAM::COREs
  103. CREAM::COREs
  104. CREAM::COREs
  105. CREAM::COREs
  106. CREAM::COREs
  107. CREAM::COREs
  108. CREAM::COREs
  109. CREAM::COREs
  110. genefu::annot.expos
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from the International Genomics Consortium
  111. genefu::annot.nkis
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from van de Vijver et al. 2002
  112. genefu::annot.vdxs
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from Wang et al. 2005 and Minn et al 2007
  113. genefu::claudinLowData
    claudinLowData for use in the claudinLow classifier. Data generously provided by Aleix Prat.
  114. genefu::data.expos
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from the International Genomics Consortium
    matrix|353 x 966
  115. genefu::data.nkis
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from van de Vijver et al. 2002
    matrix|150 x 922
  116. genefu::data.vdxs
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from Wang et al. 2005 and Minn et al 2007
    matrix|150 x 966
  117. genefu::demo.expos
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from the International Genomics Consortium
  118. genefu::demo.nkis
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from van de Vijver et al. 2002
  119. genefu::demo.vdxs
    Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from Wang et al. 2005 and Minn et al 2007
  120. genefu::mod1
    Gene modules published in Desmedt et al. 2008
  121. genefu::mod2
    Gene modules published in Wirapati et al. 2008
  122. genefu::modelOvcAngiogenic
    Model used to classify ovarian tumors into Angiogenic and NonAngiogenic subtypes.
  123. genefu::pam50
    PAM50 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Parker et al 2009)
  124. genefu::pam50.robust
    PAM50 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Parker et al 2009)
  125. genefu::pam50.scale
    PAM50 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Parker et al 2009)
  126. genefu::scmgene.robust
    Subtype Clustering Model using only ESR1, ERBB2 and AURKA genes for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes
  127. genefu::scmod1.robust
    Subtype Clustering Model using ESR1, ERBB2 and AURKA modules for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Desmedt et al 2008)
  128. genefu::scmod2.robust
    Subtype Clustering Model using ESR1, ERBB2 and AURKA modules for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Desmedt et al 2008)
  129. genefu::sig.endoPredict
    Signature used to compute the endoPredict signature as published by Filipits et al 2011
  130. genefu::sig.gene70
    Signature used to compute the 70 genes prognosis profile (GENE70) as published by van't Veer et al. 2002
  131. genefu::sig.gene76
    Signature used to compute the Relapse Score (GENE76) as published in Wang et al. 2005
  132. genefu::sig.genius
    Gene Expression progNostic Index Using Subtypes (GENIUS) as published by Haibe-Kains et al. 2010.
  133. genefu::sig.ggi
    Gene expression Grade Index (GGI) as published in Sotiriou et al. 2006
  134. genefu::sig.oncotypedx
    Signature used to compute the OncotypeDX signature as published by Paik et al 2004
  135. genefu::sig.pik3cags
    Gene expression Grade Index (GGI) as published in Sotiriou et al. 2006
  136. genefu::sig.tamr13
    Tamoxifen Resistance signature composed of 13 gene clusters (TAMR13) as published by Loi et al. 2008.
  137. genefu::sigOvcAngiogenic
    sigOvcAngiogenic dataset
  138. genefu::sigOvcCrijns
    sigOvcCrijns dataset
  139. genefu::sigOvcSpentzos
    sigOcvSpentzos dataset
  140. genefu::sigOvcTCGA
    sigOvcTCGA dataset
  141. genefu::sigOvcYoshihara
    sigOvcYoshihara dataset
  142. genefu::ssp2003
    SSP2003 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Sorlie et al 2003)
  143. genefu::ssp2003.robust
    SSP2003 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Sorlie et al 2003)
  144. genefu::ssp2003.scale
    SSP2003 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Sorlie et al 2003)
  145. genefu::ssp2006
    SSP2006 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Hu et al 2006)
  146. genefu::ssp2006.robust
    SSP2006 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Hu et al 2006)
  147. genefu::ssp2006.scale
    SSP2006 classifier for identification of breast cancer molecular subtypes (Hu et al 2006)
  148. MM2Sdata::GSE36594Expr
    Normalized gene expression data for Mouse MB samples (from GSE36594).
  149. MM2Sdata::GSE37418Expr
    Normalized gene expression data for Human MB (GSE37418).
  150. mRMRe::cgps.annot
    Part of the large pharmacogenomic dataset published by Garnett et al. within the Cancer Genome Project (CGP)
  151. mRMRe::cgps.ge
    Part of the large pharmacogenomic dataset published by Garnett et al. within the Cancer Genome Project (CGP)
    matrix|200 x 1000
  152. mRMRe::cgps.ic50
    Part of the large pharmacogenomic dataset published by Garnett et al. within the Cancer Genome Project (CGP)
    A 'MultiAssayExperiment' containing cohorts of pancreatic cancer patients, for use in package examples.
  154. PDATK::birnbaum
    Published classifier gene signature for Birnbaum
  155. PDATK::chen
    Published classifier gene signature for Chen
  156. PDATK::cohortSubtypeDFs
    A list of sample subtypes for the data in sampleCohortList
  157. PDATK::haiderSigScores
    Classifier survival scores for Haider
  158. PDATK::sampleClinicalModel
    Sample ClinicalModel Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.
  159. PDATK::sampleCohortList
    A Set of Example Patient Cohorts
  160. PDATK::sampleICGCmicro
    A Sample SurvivalExperiment Containing Data from the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas'
  161. PDATK::samplePCOSPmodel
    A Sample PCOSP Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.
  162. PDATK::samplePCOSPpredList
    Sample CohortList with PCOSP Risk Predictions
  163. PDATK::samplePCSIsurvExp
    Sample SurvivalExperiment Containing the PCSI rna-sequencing cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas'.
  164. PDATK::sampleRGAmodel
    Sample RGA Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.
  165. PDATK::sampleRLSmodel
    Sample RLS Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.
  166. PDATK::sampleTrainedPCOSPmodel
    A Sample Trained PCOSP Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.
  167. PDATK::sampleValPCOSPmodel
    Sample Validated PCOSP Model for Plotting Examples
  168. PharmacoGx::CCLEsmall
    Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) Example PharmacoSet
  169. PharmacoGx::CMAPsmall
    Connectivity Map Example PharmacoSet
  170. PharmacoGx::GDSCsmall
    Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer Example PharmacoSet
  171. PharmacoGx::HDAC_genes
    HDAC Gene Signature
  172. survcomp::mainz7g
    Subset of MAINZ dataset containing gene expression, annotations and clinical data.
  173. survcomp::nki7g
    Subset of NKI dataset containing gene expression, annotations and clinical data.
  174. survcomp::transbig7g
    Subset of the TRANSBIG dataset containing gene expression, annotations and clinical data.
  175. survcomp::unt7g
    Subset of UNT dataset containing gene expression, annotations and clinical data.
  176. survcomp::upp7g
    Subset of UPP dataset containing gene expression, annotations and clinical data.
  177. survcomp::vdx7g
    Subset of VDX dataset containing gene expression, annotations and clinical data.
  178. ToxicoGx::HCC_sig
    HCC_sig dataset
  179. ToxicoGx::TGGATESsmall
    TGGATESsmall dataset
  180. Xeva::PDXMI
    PDX-MI data
  181. Xeva::brca
    PDXE breast cancer dataset
  182. Xeva::repdx
    Example PDX dataset